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Virtual Study Abroad Through the Eyes of a Student

by Lara Garanzuay, Communications Specialist

With virtual study rapidly gaining in popularity, we wanted to take the opportunity to get student feedback on our programs. I recently had the chance to speak with Molly Estes, a student at Agnes Scott College, who participated in virtual study abroad programs based in Sierra Leone.

Molly is a senior, double majoring in German Studies and Political Science. She was a Schmidt Scholar that worked as a peer leader and teaching assistant in our Sierra Leone Virtual Program. Despite her being initially interested in taking a trip to Germany, she ultimately decided to go on our Sierra Leone trip. Although she chose to participate in order to complete her Global Specialization requirement of her degree at Agnes Scott, she mostly wanted to gain a deeper understanding of a country that is tied to her home state in ways she would not have been able to without this virtual study abroad program. 

Our Conversation with Molly Estes

In the interview with Molly, we got the chance to ask her about her thoughts on the Learn From Travel Sierra Leone program but also her virtual study abroad experience. Additionally, we got an insight into her opinions and tips on the future of virtual study abroad. 

Looking Towards the Future

Gaining insights into the student experience is essential as we move forward with both virtual and travel study abroad. We continue to believe that virtual study abroad is here to stay, and we’re striving to make the experience for students, faculty, and global partners more beneficial and rewarding. 

If you’re interested in virtual study abroad, find more details about Learn from Travel’s programs here or contact us.