Our Top 5 Favorite Things about Chile

Chile is one of the most unique countries in the world. This narrow stretch of land, more than 3,500 miles from north to south, but only 350 from the Pacific Ocean to the Andes, has all of the major climates of the world, some of its tastiest fruits, and some of its most dramatic, and I mean DRAMATIC, landscapes. Here are our top five favorite things about Chile. 

Valparaiso (18).JPG

5. Valparaiso
San Francisco of the south, Valparaiso has the grit of a port and the art of a capital. With some of the finest street art in the world, it is a great place to walk if you can stand the hills. Tired of walking? No worries, dozens of elevators throughout the city will take you to splendid views of this colorful sea side town that was once home to Chile's greatest poet: Pablo Neruda. 


4. Vineyards
Chile's climate and soil are perfect for growing grapes. It's rich agricultural tradition is perfect for making those grapes into world-famous wine. The latest trend is producing organic wine throughout Chile's three main wine-growing regions. 


3. Empanadas
With dozens of options for ingredients, including seafood, the Chilean version of this popular Latin America filled pastry is simply the best. Olives and eggs are usually added to the ground beef or another main ingredient. Empanadas are available road-side and in the finest restaurants in Chile.


2. Camelids
New World relatives of the camel, or camelids, are common in Patagonia. You might see a guanaco (pictured here with some penguins), or a vicuña, an alpaca, or even a llama. But don't confuse these four-leggeds with the huemul, the Andean dear, endemic to the region and sadly endangered. 


1. Glaciers
Chile has some of the largest glaciers in the world. In some cases one can navigate iceberg clogged lakes or bays to approach the tongue of a river of ice stretching for hundreds of miles. Glaciers around the world are receding, so don't wait to see them, they might not be there when you get around to it. 

Ready to experience Chile for yourself? 

Learn from Travel brings you an educational and culturally-immersive adventure that will stimulate your mind and your palate: Culture, Wine, and Glaciers in Chile November 17th to 27th. You'll experience the seaside charm of Valparaiso, slush organic wine around your tasting glass, walk the woods with an Indigenous Mapuche guide, and hike through some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth. Take advantage of discount pricing before April 30th.

We specialize in responsible, culturally-immersive, educational travel. You'll meet amazing people, go way off the beaten path, and never forget this travel experience. Go! Learn!

Other group travel experiences coming up...

Nature's Medicine in Nicaragua: July 28 - Aug 4

Top 5 Best Reasons to Go to Panama

Panama is one of our favorite countries. It is literally the crossroads of the world, has both Pacific and Caribbean beaches, and, compared to it's neighbor to the north, is relatively undiscovered. Here are just five of the things that make it a really special place to visit. 


5. Old Quarter
Panama  City is one of the oldest colonial cities in the West, dating back to 1519. The colonial heart of the city was recently renovated, featuring incredible world cuisine, nightly live music, craft beer, and of course stunning colonial architecture. It is one of the most pleasant places to go for a stroll, day or night. 


4. Panama Hats
The heart of Panamanian culture is in Los Santos Province, located on the Azuero Peninsula. The largely agricultural area hosts Panama's biggest Carnaval parade and features authentic rural fashion, like these hats. They are made from grass painstakingly woven together into thread and then sewn, all by hand. One hat can take up to two months to make and costs about $300!   


3. Sea food
With so much ocean around it, no wonder sea food is a real treat in Panama. Whole fried or grilled red snapper is a common dinner menu find, while ceviche, raw fish cooked in lemon juice and mixed with vegetables, is a healthy lunch option available at all convenience stores. By the way do you like octopus? That's pretty common too!    


2. Surfing
Warm water, frequent off-shore wind, almost no hazards like rocks or current, and year-round waves make Panama one of the best places to learn to surf. Some of the best breaks are in the Azuero Peninsula in the Los Santos Province. 


1. Monkeys
Panama is home to a variety of species including an endemic spider monkey and the howler monkey, pictured here. Howlers eat leaves but when you first hear them, that's not what you think. Somewhere between a bark and a roar, the howler monkey will make you shake in your socks just by saying hello. 

Ready to experience Panama for yourself? 

Learn from Travel brings you an educational adventure like no other: Fish School in Panama June 30 - July 7. Learn to surf, fish, and prepare local recipes in one of Panama's most stunning locations: the Azuero Peninsula. You'll be surrounded by howler monkeys, practice yoga, and stay in an environmentally friendly eco-lodge with a permaculture farm and a reforestation project. Take advantage of discount pricing before April 15th. 

We specialize in responsible, culturally-immersive, educational travel. You'll meet amazing people, go way off the beaten path, and never forget this travel experience. Go! Learn!

Other group travel experiences coming up...

Nature's Medicine in Nicaragua: July 28 - Aug 4
Culture, Wine, and Glaciers in Chile: Nov 17 - 27